Monday, November 24, 2014

Cost of coffee

Coffee sometimes has a bad rap for costing so much, but why is that? The process for getting coffee to your shelves of cafe cup is a long one that adds to the price. I've explained it here in a podcast:

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Top Five Fun Facts

A lot of information on this blog is educational (such as the history and types of coffee) and that can get a little boring. How about I spice it up with the top five fun facts about coffee! Everyone loves fun facts, you can share them and impress your friends, or just feel a little more well-rounded.

1. There is a lethal does of caffeine. A person hits that limit at about 100 cups of coffee. No, time does not slow down like in the Futurama episode, although that would be cool.

2. Coffee is psychoactive. If you drink too much, you could start to see things and become delusional.

3. Coffee is the second most traded product on Earth. It's only behind oil.

4. Hawaii is the only US state that commercially grows coffee.

5. The first ever webcam was invented...for coffee! At the University of Cambridge, students of the Computer Science department invented the webcam to monitor if the lounge coffee pot was full or not.

Coffee for gifting

The holidays are right around the 30 days around the corner. Eep! With about half of American's consuming a good amount of coffee, it's safe to assume that some of your friends and family drink coffee. I found the top five gift ideas (that aren't a gift-card or bag of coffee) that will keep your loved ones caffeinated.

5. Awesome and personal coffee mug - each person has their own style and taste, why not get them a mug that reflects that? There are thousands of mug designs that you can choose from, from funny to retro, to classic crude. The link goes to a list of popular funny ones. (Here)

4. Milk frother - If you have someone that loves lattes or cappuccinos, then this might be perfect. It's a small kitchen device that you put into warm/hot milk and it adds air to make the foam on top of popular drinks. (I personally have one and LOVE it). (Here)

3. Just Right Joe Temperature Regulators - These little beauties are awesome, throw a couple into your cup of coffee and they cool it down to 140 degrees (widely considered the best coffee temperature) and can keep your coffee warm. (Here)

2. Coffee plant - Have a gardener in the family? Think about buying them their very own coffee plant to grow. If they have a green thumb, they can actually harvest coffee cherries off of the plant. (Here)

1. Gold plated coffee filter - I know, just sounds fancy reading it. It is in fact gold plated (but still within budgets), but you'll never need another paper filter again. Gold filters out impurities in water and coffee while it brews. (Here)

Coffee Around the World

If you ever get the chance to travel, first off, always take the chance, and second, know what is good and what to order. Each country and region of the World has it's own version of the perfect coffee drink. Whether it be coffee with ice or just cream, or a little fancier, it's different from place to place. A couple counties even like something a little stronger added in (Italy and Germany).

I found an info-graphic about local favorites for a few countries:

Sunday, November 23, 2014

DIY coffee scrub

Hello all! Today I tried something new and wanted to use the coffee grounds from a previous post, in a new way. I was inspired to try making a home-made coffee hand scrub and it turned out great! The ingredients might be stuff you have around the house right now!

All you need is:
1/4 cup of canola oil (or olive oil)
1/3 cup brown sugar
3 Tbs. coffee grounds (dry or used) and
1/4 tsp. cinnamon (optional)

Mix all ingredients in a bowl, then store in an air tight container. (how easy is that?!)
To use, apply liberally to damp hands and scrub in, then rinse off.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

My top cafes in Topeka

There are many different places to get coffee here in Topeka (or wherever you are!) but my top three I mapped out for you.

1. The always popular Starbucks. I enjoy their refreshing iced coffee and changing holiday drinks (go try the Chestnut Praline! YUM.)

2. Blackbird Espresso Bar & Bistro. This is a cozy little cafe that serves delicious soups and coffee drinks. A personal favorite here is a cinnamon cafe ole.

3. World Cup Espresso. This is a college favorite. The atmosphere in here is unique and interesting. Their signature drink is the Snowball, white chocolate and caramel (and now you can add peanut butter to that as well.) espresso drink.

Let me know if you go out and try these places or what is your favorite cafe? What's your favorite drink there that I should go try?

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Coffee Grounds

In the spirit of environmentalism, did you know that there are awesome ways to use left over coffee grounds? After you've had your lovely cup of coffee, save those grounds for a new way to use them! Or if there is a type of coffee that's expired or you didn't like it, you can grind it up and use the dry grounds as well. Here are a few different ways to use them:


Used coffee grounds:

  • As a composer. Add used coffee grounds to you compost pile because there are minerals in the coffee that speed up the decomposing process.
  • As fertilizer. Add some used coffee grounds to your outdoor garden or indoor plants because they contain potassium and nitrogen which helps perks up plants!
  • Household scrub. Mix with cleaner or on their own and because grounds are an abrasive, they can help clean pans or stove-tops.
New coffee grounds:
  • Deodorizer. Set a bowl of clean grounds in the back of the refrigerator or freezer and it will help take care of gross smells. You can also wrap some grounds in cheesecloth and hang in a closet to help with smells as well.
  • Exfoliater. Add a few grounds to lotion or body wash and it helps slough off dead and/or dry skin.
  • Natural bug repellent. Sprinkle some in your gardens or around your social areas outside to ward off bugs that don't like strong smells.
I have used coffee grounds as a deodorizer and exfoliater before and they work amazingly! At work we used the espresso grounds to wash our hands before throwing it away, it help makes our skin softer and since coffee can be absorbed through the skin, it also gives a little perk up.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Eating coffee

I hope by this point in the blog, I have convinced you to drink more (or even just try!) coffee and find a new appreciation for the bean. With the holidays coming up, why not try to incorporate coffee into your Thanksgiving after meal, or Christmas treats? The most popular and well known coffee dessert is tiramisu, but it's not the only one!

I'll post an easy recipe first for decedent coffee fudge. Yum!

1-14 ounce can of sweetened condensed milk
2 tablespoons instant coffee
1-12 ounce bag of semi-sweet chocolate chips

1. Heat the condensed milk in a saucepan over medium heat.
2. Add the instant coffee to the warm condensed milk.
3. Add the chocolate chips and stir until completely melted, but not too long else the mixture will scorch.
4. Pour into a greased 8x8 pan and chill in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

(credit to: for the recipe)

This is a perfect recipe that is quick and simple and would be excellent to show off to your family for the holidays.

Let me know how your fudge turns out!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Caffeine and the body

Now that you how caffeine effects your brain, what about your body? There's the obvious effects such as increased heart rate, easier breathing, shakiness, and increased energy and alertness.


There is also the non-obvious effects: the health pros and cons.


  • Lower the risk for diabetes
  • Lower the risk for heart disease
  • Increase your metabolism rate
  • Can cause anxiety 
  • Raises blood pressure
  • It can make you dehydrated
  • It blocks the absorption of vitamins

Want more information? Visit this FDA site for information.

Glorious Caffeine

Coffee has a lot of caffeine. That's why most people are addicted, and why some refuse to drink it.

My personal stance is bring on the caffeine! I am very pro-caffeine and consume about 250+ mg per day. I have drank so much coffee for so long, that I can drink it before bed and still pass out.

Caffeine is wonderful because it keeps you awake, increases adrenaline, and makes you feel happy. I found a cute video to explain this further.

Ignore the ad for books at the end, unless you need school books.