Monday, November 24, 2014

Coffee for gifting

The holidays are right around the 30 days around the corner. Eep! With about half of American's consuming a good amount of coffee, it's safe to assume that some of your friends and family drink coffee. I found the top five gift ideas (that aren't a gift-card or bag of coffee) that will keep your loved ones caffeinated.

5. Awesome and personal coffee mug - each person has their own style and taste, why not get them a mug that reflects that? There are thousands of mug designs that you can choose from, from funny to retro, to classic crude. The link goes to a list of popular funny ones. (Here)

4. Milk frother - If you have someone that loves lattes or cappuccinos, then this might be perfect. It's a small kitchen device that you put into warm/hot milk and it adds air to make the foam on top of popular drinks. (I personally have one and LOVE it). (Here)

3. Just Right Joe Temperature Regulators - These little beauties are awesome, throw a couple into your cup of coffee and they cool it down to 140 degrees (widely considered the best coffee temperature) and can keep your coffee warm. (Here)

2. Coffee plant - Have a gardener in the family? Think about buying them their very own coffee plant to grow. If they have a green thumb, they can actually harvest coffee cherries off of the plant. (Here)

1. Gold plated coffee filter - I know, just sounds fancy reading it. It is in fact gold plated (but still within budgets), but you'll never need another paper filter again. Gold filters out impurities in water and coffee while it brews. (Here)

1 comment:

  1. There was like 3,000 ads for the Keurig on Black Friday, so I decided to get one for my parents. I don't even know how it works lol.
